
Top 10 Trending Technology to Learn

The Coronavirus pandemic affected our life in many ways. It has a significant impact on the job market across the world. Having said that it also has led to substantial technological transformations in the IT field. With time new technologies are evolving, technologies that help address global challenges and make life simpler in the coming years.

Here’s a rundown of new technologies that you ought to learn.

Artificial Intelligence(AI)

  • Artificial Intelligence technology is changing business areas and making our lives simpler via robotizing complex undertakings and makes future expectations. Artificial intelligence is assuming an extraordinary part in medication, fabricating, schooling and portability. From self-driving vehicles to shrewd gadgets Artificial Intelligence is all over the place.
  • It finds its application in building robots and talk bots, some of the top companies working on AI are Google, Microsoft, Tesla, IBM and Facebook. Some of the skills you need to possess to become an expert in artificial intelligence are python programming mathematics, machine learning and deep learning.
  •  According to business sectors and market the worldwide computerized reasoning business sector will develop from 58.3 billion us dollars in 2021 to 309.6 billion us dollars by 2026 at a cagr of 39.7. With such a lot of headway in the field of AI and organizations burning through billions of dollars there’s definitely no question that AI is the future, but the question arises whether AI’s the greatest technology that humanity has ever seen, Well!  Only the future will tell us with that being said.

Internet of things

  •  The internet of things technology is fast and becoming an integral part of our lives. Iot is a futuristic technology recognized for its social and technological marvels. Iot devices are increasing by almost every year and according to reports there will be 30 billion Iot devices by 2022.
  • Iot has aided firms in improving customer service streamlining operations and increasing profits companies are becoming more involved in Iot. Few such companies are Mindtree, IBM, GE digital and Verizon. To name a few, the top in-demand Iot skills are machine learning, AI, python, javascript, big data and node.js .
  • According to reports in 2017, market revenue for Iot surpassed 100 billion dollars and it is estimated that this amount could rise to about 1.6 trillion by 2025.

Big Data and Analytics

  •  It is the collection of data increasing at an unprecedented rate worldwide. Big data and analytics technology allows you to store, process,  analyze and make sense of vast amounts of data using cutting-edge technologies.
  • Analysts in this domain can help every sector, be it by enhancing the quality of healthcare or by detecting fraud. The companies using big data and analytics to run their businesses are Netflix, American express, Amazon and Google. Some of the skills and technologies required to master big data and analytics are hadoop, sql, spark, python and excel.
  • According to the international data corporation by 2025 the total amount of data on the planet could reach 175 zettabytes and global revenues from big data and business analytics solutions are expected to reach 260 billion us dollars in 2022.

Quantum Computing

  • Quantum computing technology uses the properties of quantum physics to perform calculations and simulations that would not be possible on a traditional machine.
  • Quantum computing is not just a research experiment anymore and instead now a tool that’s changing the face of several industries including medicine biology and climate change. Big names like Microsoft,  Google,  IBM and Intel are in their race to build quantum computing tools. To learn quantum computing you need to know programming, mathematics, mechanics, scientific computing and algorithms.
  • Reports state that the quantum computing market is estimated to reach 64.98 billion by 2030 from just 507.1 million in 2019.

Cloud Technology

  • There’s a lot more to the cloud than just a robust storage solution. The year 2021 proved to be a watershed moment for cloud computing technology just like the year before it allowed more flexibility for companies to operate in the face of COVID 19.
  • According to its experts cloud computing will be at the forefront of all technologies to address significant business issues in the next few years. Few companies that have moved to the cloud are Pinterest, Instagram , Netflix etc. To target for a successful career in cloud computing you need to have knowledge of databases, programming, Linux, networking and APIs.
  • According to research by 2022 revenue from the public cloud sector is anticipated to increase to 331 billion us dollars.


  • It is one of the contemporary technologies with a bright future. Currently blockchain technology is revolutionizing almost every sector. Banking, Healthcare and Politics are a few industries that may profit from establishing a decentralized digital ledger that monitors and saves data in several locations making forgeries difficult.
  • Companies that use blockchain are HSBC, Barclays, Walmart and Pfizer. Blockchain developers need to know concepts like cryptography, data structures and computer networking
  • Reports state that by 2022 worldwide expenditures on blockchain infrastructures are expected to reach 11.7 billion us dollars.


  • We live in a world where massive amounts of data should be transmitted quickly, not just that currently with an increasing in video conferencing reliable connectivity and better bandwidth are crucial and that’s where you need 5g according to the GSM association by 2025.
  •  5G network technology are estimated to have more than 1.7 billion subscribers across the globe, few of the key participants in the 5g infrastructure industry are Samsung,  Huawei,  Ericsson, Cisco and Nokia networks.
  • To name a few according to reports by 2026 the worldwide 5g services market is anticipated to increase from 53 billion us dollars to 249.2 billion us dollars. 5G will also enable significant advances in IOT and virtual reality.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

  • We have virtual and augmented reality technology that blends real world elements with virtual ones  whereas, virtual reality creates an environment which is fully virtual.  The potential of AR and Reality doesn’t stop with the entertainment industry, it is also transforming several other sectors like military, sports, medicine and education.
  • To name a few of the top companies frequently working on augmented reality and virtual reality are Qualcomm, Samsung, Microsoft and Apple. Some of the must-have skills for AR and VR are 3d modeling, computer vision, software development and programming.
  • According to the markets AR and VR market can reach 151 billion us dollars with a paramount cagr of 70.4 percent by 2022.

Cyber Security

  • Several organizations have fallen prey to cyber-attacks including big names like Facebook,  Linkedin and Yahoo. The onset of the COVID 19 pandemic has served as a trigger for a rise in the number of cyber-attacks across the globe. Hence the field of cyber security holds paramount importance in today’s time
  • Few of the best cyber security technology companies are Cisco, Microsoft, Mcafee and IBM. To work in the field of cyber security, skills like knowledge of operating systems, networking, virtualization and programming are beneficial.
  •  According to reports post COVID 19, the global cyber security market size is estimated to grow from 217.19 billion us dollars in 2021 to 345.4 billion us dollars by 2026.


  • It is a significant industry that is gaining momentum with time in the coming years. The field of robotics technology will offer a lot to the world amongst those a few trends that you will witness are smart factories, the adoption of agile robotics and cobots.
  • To name a few of the companies actively working in the field of robotics are Boston, Dynamics and Universal robots. Some of the core robotic skills you need to possess are python, matlab, problem solving, mathematics and machine learning.
  • The robotics industry trends and objectives in 2022 will be interesting to watch out for the global robotics market. It was valued at 27.73 billion dollars in 2020 and is projected to reach 74.1 billion dollars growing at a cagr of 17.45 percent by 2026.

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